Building a career outside rugby
August 28, 2020
In 2014, Tivaini Foma’i started his Bachelor of Recreation and Sport* at EIT. It was a time when Tivaini was transitioning out of professional rugby and looking for new career...
In 2014, Tivaini Foma’i started his Bachelor of Recreation and Sport* at EIT. It was a time when Tivaini was transitioning out of professional rugby and looking for new career...
Engaging in New Zealand cultural experiences forms an invaluable part of the international student journey. To support this, students get to experience a traditional Māori welcome at a marae...
Rāmari Fox (Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Porou) has the best possible connections to start a career in film, but she certainly had to jump some hurdles to be where she is now. Rāmari ’s...
The government reviewed the current Alert Levels yesterday, and announced that the COVID-19 Alert Levels will remain in place until 11:59pm Sunday 30 August. From Monday 31 August Auckland will...
Gap years can change people’s life for good. EIT student Johanna Scholz had one of these transformative experiences. Six years ago, German born Johanna travelled around New Zealand and fell...
Sara Iosua has been living in Hawke’s Bay for just three months but she has already made a strong impression on a number of people, including her EIT tutors. The 21-year-old soaks up new...
Mentoring students and athletes means EIT Tairāwhiti student support advisor Tuterangi Nepe-Apatu can practice what he preaches. Toots knows what it is like to leave high school with no...
From beginners looking for a taste of theory and experience for their first vintage, through to those with more experience and expertise wanting to move forward in their career, EIT offers a...
Good evening The government announced tonight that New Zealand’s most recent COVID-19 Alert Levels will remain in place. Auckland will remain at Alert Level 3 and the rest of New Zealand...
New Zealand’s Alert Levels are changing. From 12 noon today, until midnight Friday 15 August, Auckland will move to Alert Level 3. The rest of New Zealand will move to Alert Level 2. As a...