Nursing and Health Science

Nursing is one of the most exciting and rewarding study areas available. You can study at EIT | Te Pūkenga to become a registered nurse, and choose to go on to our postgraduate programmes. EIT | Te Pūkenga offers a range of postgraduate nursing programmes, including the Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science (Registered Nurse Prescribing) and the Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner Pathway).

Bachelor of Nursing

A nursing education from EIT | Te Pūkenga is highly regarded with graduate nurses being recognised nationally and internationally. When you graduate with a nursing degree you’ll be fully equipped to provide healthcare to people at every stage of life.

There are a number of scholarships available for Bachelor of Nursing students. Please phone 0800 22 55 348 to find out more.

EIT | Te Pūkenga Nursing students currently have a 100% pass rate in the nursing state exams, and 70% of our 2014 graduates were employed in their field within three months!

Master of Nursing

2014 07 17 Master of Nursing (10)The EIT | Te Pūkenga Master of Nursing programme will enhance your nursing knowledge, skills in critical analysis, constructive synthesis, along with advanced practice and research within your specialty area, particularly in preparation for advanced practice roles.

Our Master of Nursing qualification has been approved by the Nursing Council of New Zealand as a “masters with a clinical focus, including the content for preparation for nurse prescribing” – for graduates to become nurse practitioners.  EIT | Te Pūkenga is one of only five institutions New Zealand wide providing this Nursing Practitioner pathway.

Hauora Pathway

So you’re not quite ready to leap into degree study yet? Well the NZ Certificate in Study and Career Preparation will give you the confidence and study skills to gain entry and be successful in the Bachelor of Nursing degree and other sport, recreation and massage programmes.

It will introduce you to ideas and theories within supportive learning environments while giving you a taste of what to expect from the Bachelor of Nursing programme or other health related degree programmes.

Registered Nurse Competence Training Scheme

The Registered Nurse Competence Training Scheme is a full-time, seven week programme which offers you stimulating Level 7 certificate studies and provides a pathway to your professional qualification in nursing. The programme meets the Nursing Council of New Zealand’s competencies for overseas registered nurses who wish to gain New Zealand registration and provides a refresher programme for New Zealand registered nurses who desire to return to practice.

Postgraduate Certificate in Health Science

The Postgraduate Certificate in Health Science offers a selection of online and blended courses designed to meet the needs of health practitioners, health sector managers and other professionals whose practice has a focus on health.

This certificate has an interdisciplinary programme, which includes courses specific to nursing practice, and it is approved by the Nursing Council of New Zealand as an advanced nursing practice programme.

Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science

This diploma is a one year full-time, or up to four years part-time, interdisciplinary programme providing qualified health professionals and health service managers with advanced practice knowledge and critical analysis skills.

You can enrol directly into this diploma or use it to further develop the knowledge and skills you gained while studying for the Postgraduate Certificate in Health Science. Upon graduation from this diploma you can choose to progress onto one of the EIT | Te Pūkenga masters programmes.

Master of Health Science

Health and Sport ScienceThe Master of Health Science programme is tailored for health managers and health practitioners, specifically those working for DHBs, PHOs, the fitness industry and sports organisations, as well as social workers, community care workers and allied health practitioners.

The programme revolves around knowledge and research relating to health disparities and the needs of populations; ethical, legal and political dimensions of policy and practice; and interdisciplinary practice to improve healthcare.


The School of Nursing’s facilities and resources are excellent and are amongst the best in New Zealand. They include the Clinical Arts and Technology (CAT) Centre plus three well-equipped simulated practice environments including simulated learning technology, computer assisted resources and a small procedures room.


Experienced nurse who rose through the ranks is appointed EIT's Head of Nursing

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An experienced nurse who has risen through the academic ranks at EIT, has been appointed Head of the School of Nursing. Katherine (Kat) Williams, who was until her new appointment, programme...

EIT student honours late mother by choosing career in nursing

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An EIT student has honoured his late mother’s wishes by choosing a career in nursing. Tannah Setu was born in Savai'i, Samoa, and moved to New Zealand at 17. Tannah, 30, says that the...

Accelerating health outcomes in the community a focus for EIT School of Health and Sport Science

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Accelerating health outcomes in the community is a focus for EIT’s School of Health and Sport Science, with lecturers conducting meaningful local research. Dr Helen Ryan-Stewart, EIT’s...

Mereaera Hesketh is graduating with a Master of Professional Practice.

Te Tohu Paerua mō Te Aka Whakaaroaro Master of Professional Practice

If you work with people and want to enhance and develop your practice, this programme is for you.  This programme will enable you to follow your passions and interests within your own professional context, while focusing on the unique bicultural settings of Aotearoa.

The Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Practice and the Master of Professional Practice allow graduates working in the fields of education, social work, iwi and community development and other related fields to undertake post-graduate learning tailored to individual needs and interests.

Memea he hiahia nōu kia whakawhanakehia ōhou pūkenga mahi, tēnā, whakaarohia tēnei tohu mōhou. Ka taunakihia tēnei hōtaka tō puawaitanga o te tautika i roto i ngā horopaki ahurea rua o Aotearoa nei. E whakamana ana tēnei hōtaka kia whāia ōhou pae tawhiti kia tata, kia whakamau!

Mā ēnei tohu e taea ai e te pia te whai mātauranga paerunga i a ia e mahi ana, e taea ai hoki te waihanga huarahi ako kia tutuki ai ngā wawata me te ako i te wā kotahi.