Hastings Learning Centre

The Hastings Regional Learning Centre has been at its new location since 2018, focusing on foundation courses that will meet the demands of industry and the community. We also have evening classes and short courses which include Te Reo Māori, Barista, Food Safety, and Art and Craft.

Contact us

416 Heretaunga Street West
Hastings 4122

Phone: 06 974 8936
Email: tkupa@eit.ac.nz


Opening hours

8.30am-4.00pm, Monday to Friday
8.30am-7.30pm, Wednesday

EIT relocates Hastings Learning Centre

Brothers Ephraim (left) and Tāmanuhiri Russell install artworks in EIT’s new Hastings Learning Centre. The other two artists who worked on the panels were Cody Hollis and Tāwhirimātea Prisk.

EIT’s new Hastings Learning Centre celebrates inclusion in expressing the best of Hawke’s Bay in art.

Local artists, who are based at Awa Ink studio in Hastings, were commissioned by EIT. 

Led by renowned te moko artist Tāmanuhiri Russell, they created 13 artworks for the Heretaunga Street West Centre, which opened in April 2019.

Meet the team

Come in and meet one of our friendly and knowledgeable staff who can help you with your study options.

The Hastings Learning Centre Team

Tania Kupa – Centre Coordinator
Courtenay Blair – Tutor (Hospitality)
Tony Martin – Learning Facilitator