Your wellbeing during lockdown
There is no right or wrong way to think or feel about lockdown. Remember we’re all going through the same thing but in different ways. Take one day at a time and remember the health and wellbeing of you and your whānau is most important.
Mā te kotahitanga e whai kaha ai tātou, in unity we have strength.
In crisis? If you or someone else is in immediate danger, please call 111.
National Helplines 24/7
Lifeline 0800 543 354 or free text 4357
Need to talk? text 1737
Samaritans 0800 726 666
Suicide Crisis Helpline 0508 828 865
Youthline 0800 376 633 or free text 234
Check out support available to you
The student association Younited can offer advice on welfare and advocacy. Check out their Hawkes Bay Facebook page and Tairāwhiti Facebook page You can also follow the New Zealand Union of Students’ Association or International Students’ Association on Facebook.
You can contact the student wellbeing team at EIT.
For information on access to food or essential items look here You can also contact Nourished for Nil in Hawkes Bay or find your local food bank
The Mental Health Foundation has good wellbeing resources and you can get health and wellbeing information at Unite Against COVID-19. Talk to your GP or health practitioner if you are unwell.
Just a thought is a free online course for wellbeing and tackling worry and stress. All right has information on wellbeing and you can order resources for free, available in te reo Māori and English.
Manaaki Ora is a self-help wellbeing app, recently launched to support Māori and their whānau. Available at Google play or App store
For the deaf community Deaf Aotearoa has a helpline through Skype or email
Le Va supports Pacific families and communities, and COVID information is translated in nine different languages at the Ministry for Pacific Peoples
For LGBTQI Takatāpui communities Outline has a peer support line and chat service. At Rainbow Youth you can talk to a support worker.
Asian Family services provides free nationwide telephone support in eight different languages, or via an interpreter.
Whakatau Mai offers free group wellbeing sessions up to 17 times per week. An online support person is part of the session too.
Whakatā. Take a moment to breathe and take stock of how you are feeling. Remember it is all right to take it day by day, you are doing the best you can.