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Māori & Pasifika
There is a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships and awards available to Māori and Pasifika students who are studying at EIT. Some of these are listed below. We can help you with the completion, form-filling and posting out of all scholarship applications.
You should keep the following in mind:
- Scholarships are available based on many characteristics and criteria including gender, the discipline you’re studying, and the institution you’re attending, so be sure to consider all your options.
- You must ensure that you include all necessary information with your application.
- In many cases you will need to support your application with copies of academic transcripts.
- Availability is limited so please submit your application for scholarships before the close dates (include time for posting).
- You can apply for more than one scholarship.
Pacifica Scholarship Support: Sharon Malaitai smalaitai@eit.ac.nz
The following sites offer information about specific scholarships, awards and grants for Māori and Pacific students:
Te Kupenga Te Toi o Ngā Rangi Scholarship
Tena Koutou e ngā rangatahi o te motu.
He karanga tēnei ki ngā rangatahi kia hui mai ki runga o Te Tairawhiti ki Toihoukura, ko Te Kupenga tēnei te hao nei i a tiki matua.
This year as part of celebrating our rangatahi, Toihoukura are offering two scholarships to Year 12 or Year 13 students who have been accepted into Te Toi o Ngā Rangi | Bachelor of Māori Visual Arts. (This is a three year programme).
The Te Kupenga Scholarship covers tuition fees for one year of study. If eligible for the Government Fees Free, the EIT | Te Pūkenga Year 13 Scholarship, and you are awarded the Te Kupenga Art Scholarship – you could receive three years of free study.
To be eligible for the Te Kupenga scholarship, Toihoukura invite rangatahi from across the motu to create and submit a piece of artwork. This needs to be submitted by October 20, 2022. All works submitted will be exhibited in our Maia Gallery and the two scholarship recipients will be announced on the opening night of the exhibition.
Nōreira, rangatahi mā, ko Te Kupenga tēnei e whakakao nei i ngā mahi whakahirahira o te ao toi. Nau mai, whakatata mai!
Nāku noa
Submissions Close
October 20, 2022
Te Ara o Tākitimu - Māori and Pasifika Trades Training (MPTT) (Hawke's Bay)
Te Ara o Tākitimu empowers Māori and Pasifika students so they are confident to engage with their studies to achieve their goals. The programme supports eligible students from enrolment, through their learning, and connects them into industry by providing:
- Leadership development – mentoring, activities to connect with culture and identity, and building resilience.
- Financial support – free fees, travel support, and other engagement barriers.
- Pastoral care – navigate systems, support services, and removing learning obstacles.
- Career development – connections to industry, networking and transistion to work.
The narratives of Tākitimu waka connects Māori and Pasifika peoples and speaks to stories of overcoming adversity to reach a desired destination. The support programme is guided by this philosophy and provides people, resources, and kaupapa to create a whānau environment to ensure the learners reach their desired destination.
Applicants must:
- Identify as either Māori or Pasifika
- Be aged between 16 – 40 years
How do you access this support?
- Enrol and be accepted into one of the programmes aligned with Te Ara o Tākitimu.
- Once accepted, the Te Ara o Tākitimu Co-ordinator will make contact with you to organise a meeting.
EIT | Te Pūkenga Hawke’s Bay
Te Ara o Tākitimu Coordinator
Phone: 06 830 1563
Email: taot@eit.ac.nz
Te Toka Scholarship - Māori and Pasifika Trades Training (MPTT) (Tairāwhiti, Gisborne)
Māori and Pasifika Trades Training is an initiative supporting Māori and Pasifika people into trades training programmes. Te Toka is the name of the scholarship offered in the Tairāwhiti region.
Te Toka covers programme fees and supports students through their study, providing pastoral care and helping students transition into the workplace.
Applicants must:
- Be of Māori and/or Pasifika descent.
- Be 16 – 40 years of age at the start of your study.
- Be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident.
- Be able to meet the entry requirements for the qualification your are enrolling in.
How do you access the scholarship?
- Enrol and be accepted into one of the programmes aligned with Te Toka.
- Complete the scholarship application form.
- Once accepted, one of the Te Toka team will make contact with you to organise a meeting.
*No scholarship will be awarded until you are fully accepted on the programme.
EIT | Te Pūkenga Tairāwhiti
Nikki Keepa
Student Wellbeing Advisor
869 0810 Ext. 7841
Phillipa Harrison
Student Support Advisor
869 0810 Ext. 7331
Luseane Tupouniua
Student Support Advisor – Pacific Learners
869 0810 Ext. 7656