
EIT hospitality graduates hit the ground running. Purpose-built facilities and close links with industry partners provide our students with hands-on experience in a work environment. What are you waiting for?

Scholars Fully Licensed Training Restaurant and On The Terrace Café

Scholars Training Restaurant and On The Terrace Café is an integral part of the Culinary Arts and Restaurant programmes at EIT.  Scholars is open to the public for lunches and dinners during the teaching semester providing cooking and waiting students with practical experience in a real and professional setting.

Come and enjoy the fare of tomorrow’s chefs today!


Study Patisserie at EIT

NEW Hospitality Micro-credentials

Develop and enhance your hospitality skills and knowledge with our professional development micro-credentials.

Specialist Facilities

A purpose-built building houses a variety of specialist facilities, including modern, commercially-equipped kitchens, a fully licensed and operational training restaurant “Scholars”, as well as general classrooms and administration offices.


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