Important Dates




Monday 29 January

Auckland Anniversary Day
(Auckland and Tairāwhiti Campus Closed)

Tuesday 6 February

Waitangi Day

Monday 12 February

Semester One Commences

29 March – 2 April 

Easter Break

Thursday 25 April 


Monday 3 June 

King’s Birthday

Friday 28 June 


1 – 19 July

Inter-Semester Break

Monday 22 July 

Semester Two Commences

Friday 25 October 

Hawke’s Bay Anniversary Day
(Hawke’s Bay Campus Closed)

Monday 28 October 

Labour Day


DISCLAIMER: All information above is correct at the time of uploading but is subject to change and can vary from programme to programme.  To clarify your programme dates visit “detailed programme information” on our website or refer to your programme handbook.