Chaplain Service

What does a Chaplain do?

  • Provide pastoral care to individuals and the EIT community in times of crisis.
  • Support the flourishing of Religious and Spiritual communities.
  • Educate students, faculty and staff on faith- related topics
  • Host interfaith Student groups and events.

The Chaplaincy Service

At its very best a tertiary institute is a place of expansive discovery where time is spent in worthy and imposing intellectual pursuits. It is true that such a community can foster deep spiritual exploration and growth, and engagement. For many EIT students religious and spiritual community is critical to their identity, their motivation and their successes.

As students come to EIT from all around Hawkes Bay, New Zealand and the world they encounter not only new ideas from classes and their teachers but they also experience for the first time new cultures, faiths, languages, traditions and practices. Our chaplaincy is committed to fostering respect, understanding and education is this milieu of rich diversity.

Chaplains are supported by the local churches to provide a confidential, neutral listening ear, support in times of illness, confusion, bereavement and a point of contact for anyone wanting to explore issues related to faith or spirituality.

Chaplains at EIT are all part time and come from a range of faith traditions.

Hawke's Bay Campus

Who are the chaplains?

Mark Burgess
M 02041423246




Steve Demetrious
M 027 698 4048




Jenny Ironside
M 027 777 7913




Chris Malcolm
M 021 012 95492




Hours Available: Monday – Thursday, 11.00am – 2.00pm

Location: Room K136, or walking around campus

Phone: 06 830 1637 | Email: