New Kaitiaki for Toihoukura
August 31, 2018
There has been a changing of the guard at EIT Tairāwhiti’s iconic school of Māori Visual Arts, Toihoukura, with the appointment of high-profile lawyer Dayle Takitimu as its Kaitiaki (Head...
There has been a changing of the guard at EIT Tairāwhiti’s iconic school of Māori Visual Arts, Toihoukura, with the appointment of high-profile lawyer Dayle Takitimu as its Kaitiaki (Head...
Employment Minister Willie Jackson (centre) catching up with EIT Tairawhiti campus director Jan Mogford and EIT chief executive Chris Collins during the Minister’s visit to...
Over a hundred EIT students took advantage of Hawke’s Bay employers coming on campus to talk about job prospects at the Business School’s annual Careers Expo yesterday (Tuesday 28...
‘That’s not research; you’re just the performer. Composer-performer collaboration and understanding the role of the creative process’. Matthew is acknowledged as one of Australasia’s...
Congratulations to Aria Graham, a postgraduate Nursing lecturer at EIT who has just completed her doctoral study Tika Tonu—Young Māori mothers’ experiences of wellbeing surrounding the birth...
International students who study in New Zealand face a number of challenges: the three most significant are a change of culture, a completely new type of education system, and a lack of...
“Poipoia te kākano kia puawai” “Nurture the seed and it will blossom” The Kia Angitu research project aims to develop a strategy for EIT to raise Māori student achievement across its...
The achievements of three Masters students were celebrated at a recent exhibition at EIT. The exhibition, organised by the students, was the final requirement of their Master of Professional...
Each semester the Research and Innovation Centre makes research grants available to EIT degree-teaching staff. Up to six grants, valued at a maximum of $6000, are available each semester. Dr...
EIT researchers are looking forward to the opportunities provided by the new EIT Institute of Sport and Health currently under construction at the Hawke’s Bay Regional Sports Park. The EIT...