New Zealand’s Alert Levels are changing. From 12 noon today, until midnight Friday 15 August, Auckland will move to Alert Level 3. The rest of New Zealand will move to Alert Level 2. As a result, I wanted to update you on what EIT are doing in light of the recent developments. We have all been planning for this and are in a position to respond quickly.
Please note the following
- EIT’s Auckland campus is closed, and staff are preparing to deliver online. Click here for more information on Alert Level 3
- For all other EIT campuses, from 12 noon today the key messages are;
- We will remain teaching on campus and teaching face to face. In the meantime EIT is preparing for teaching online if required. In the case of any concerns, contact your Programme Co-ordinator.
- ‘At risk’ people as defined by the Ministry of Health (MoH) can continue studying on campus but should discuss with their doctor/GP if they have concerns.
- Physical distancing is required: 1m while you are at EIT and 2m in public spaces.
- Masks should be worn if physical distancing (1m within teaching facilities) is not possible. This is a new government requirement and is now a personal responsibility for all of us. EIT has limited stocks, and will provide masks in the short-term for those programmes where physical distancing is not possible. We will send out information later about how you can make your own mask.
- As of noon today, any activities in which 1m distance cannot be maintained, and masks are not accessible, must cease. Your tutors will advise you of this.
- No more than 100 people at a gathering.
- If you have recently come from Auckland, the MoH considers you low risk and can return to campus.
- Continue to record your movements either through the NZ COVID Tracer app, or personal diary.
- Cleaning efforts will be increased which includes high touch points.
- Lastly and most importantly – Do not come to EIT if you are sick. Wash your hands, and cough into your elbow if you need to.
For more information, contact your Programme Co-ordinator or email
I can appreciate this is unsettling news and that some of you will be anxious about this, but what is reassuring is that it is not new to us. We have been here before, we learnt from last time and we’ve got this! Things will move quite quickly over the next 24 hours, so we encourage everyone to be patient as we bring you the latest updates. Be kind to yourself and others.