Industry Partnerships & BRU

Introducing the EIT Business Relationship Unit

This unit has been created to improve the linkages between EIT and local businesses and industries, to ensure EIT is meeting and understanding their needs.  The Unit’s dedicated Business Relationship Manager, Paul Hursthouse is focused on adding value to your business through tailoring solutions using the wide array of resources available within EIT.  Some areas EIT might benefit your business include:

  • Highly flexible training and education opportunities
  • Recruit EIT graduates
  • Student-based work projects
  • Research capabilities
  • Industry research and analysis projects
  • Use of our facilities

This initiative has opened an opportunity for employers and industry to share the knowledge and expertise available here at EIT and for employers and industry to be explicitly acknowledged as stakeholders with EIT’s education system. 

For a tailored solution regarding which resources would assist you with developing your business contact the EIT Business Relationship Unit today by phoning Paul Hursthouse on 06 974 8000 extension 5210 or email




Advisory Committees

EIT is committed to delivering study programmes relevant to the workforce.  To achieve this aim EIT  has various Advisory Committees which act as a direct link to industry.  An Advisory Committee consists of various members of the community employed in relevant industries.  These members keep EIT up to date with practices in the workplace.  EIT also has direct links with industry and sectors through various programmes it offers.  EIT welcomes its association with these companies and organisations to ensure that curriculum is current and relevant. 

Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood Education)

Bachelor of Teaching (Primary)




English Language


Health and Wellbeing

IDEAschool Arts and Thinking

Master of Health Science

Māori Strategic Advisory Group

Nursing Education

Social Sciences

Sport, Massage

Tairāwhiti Stakeholder Forum

Te Ūranga Waka

Tourism and Hospitality

Trades and Technology

Veterinary Nursing