NZ Certificate in Infrastructure Works (Level 3)

Study Options



1 year


Level 3

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Get essential skills for this vital industry

Are you looking at or already working in the infrastructure industry and are seeking formal qualifications?

The NZ Certificate in Infrastructure Works [Level 3] provides knowledge and skills that can be applied across a range of standard infrastructure work site operations.

As a graduate of this qualification you will be able to work under limited supervision carrying out infrastructure work site operations safely and with quality outcomes.


Flexible start dates throughout the year – please contact the Programme Administrator in your region.

Hawke’s Bay:

Natayla Latysheva
Phone: 06 830 1525


Tairāwhiti, Ruatoria and Wairoa:

Ange Taylor
Phone: 06 869 3082

Career and Study Opportunities

Your possible employment opportunities include:

  • Infrastructure Industry
  • Road Construction
  • Traffic Management
  • Forestry Roading
  • Quarry Employment Opportunities
  • Civil Construction

Your study pathway could progress onto:

  • NZ Certificate in Infrastructure Works (Civil) [Level 4]
  • NZ Certificate in Infrastructure Works (Bitumen Surfacing Construction) [Level 4]
  • NZ Certificate in Civil Infrastructure Bituminous Product Manufacturing [Level 4]
  • NZ Certificate in Infrastructure (Forestry Earthworks) [Level 4]
  • NZ Certificate in Infrastructure (Piling) [Level 4]
  • NZ Certificate in Infrastructure Works Pipe Installations [Level 4]
  • NZ Certificate in Infrastructure Works (Pipeline Construction and Maintenance) [Level 4]


The aim of the programme is to provide the Infrastructure Works industry with people who have sufficient knowledge, skills, and ability to work safely in the industry under limited supervision carrying out infrastructure work site operations safely and with quality outcomes across a range of standard infrastructure work site operations.

Graduates of the programme will have the skills and knowledge to work in an infrastructure works team in the following contexts:

  • Civil works
  • Bitumen surfacing
  • Pipeline construction and maintenance
  • Water reticulation
  • Forestry earthworks
  • Piling

You are welcome to make an appointment to talk to a teaching staff member about this programme.

Entry Requirements

The NZ Certificate in Infrastructure Works [Level 3] is an open entry work-based programme. As such, no formal academic qualifications are required.

Applicants must be employed in industry.

English Language Entry Requirements

If English is not your first language a level of English language fluency is required for the programme. This may be demonstrated through successful study of a programme in English, completion of a NZ Certificate in English Language Level 3, approved scores on IELTS tests (5.0 Academic with no band score lower than 5.0), completion of an EIT assessment.

Entry with Credit

If you wish to claim credit from previous studies or experiences, you can do so by applying for Cross Credit (CC) or Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

  • CC is based on the equivalency of courses or qualifications. You would apply for CC if you have passed a very similar course at the same level.
  • RPL is based on the assessment of your current knowledge and skills. You would apply for RPL if you had gained the relevant knowledge and skills through life experiences and informal learning situations.

Please identify any credit you may wish to be considered as part of the programme application. Please note recognising prior learning may reduce your study load in this programme and impact on your ability to receive funding.

For information and enquiries about CC and RPL please contact the Programme Administrator in your region:

  • Hawke’s Bay – Natayla Latysheva, phone 06 830 1525
  • Tairāwhiti – Ange Taylor, phone 06 869 3082.





Academic Learning Services

Academic Learning Services is here to assist you on your journey towards the successful completion of your studies at EIT. Our aim is for you to become confident, competent and independent learners.

We have dedicated advisors who can assist with your learning.

Find out more:

Hawke’s Bay Campus
Tairāwhiti Campus


EIT offers a variety of scholarships across various subjects and programme levels.  Some scholarships are based on your age, some are specific to the subject you want to study.  Not all scholarships are based on your academic ability and anyone wanting to study should investigate what scholarships are available to them.  

You can find a list of EIT scholarships here however there are many more scholarships offered nationally.  Information about these is on an database called “givME”. givME is accessible at EIT or at some public libraries. If you would like to come to EIT to look through the giveME database don’t hesitate to contact or call in for a chat.