EIT Chief Executive Chris Collins (left); Food and Fibre CoVE (FFCoVE) Chair Dr Mark Paine (centre); and Te Pūkenga Chief Executive Stephen Town (right); at the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement between Te Pūkenga and the Food and Fibre CoVE on EIT’s Tairāwhiti Campus today.
A ground-breaking Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) has been signed between The Food and Fibre Cove (FFCoVE), a Centre for Vocational Excellence; and Te Pūkenga, New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology.
The agreement was signed by Te Pūkenga Chief Executive Stephen Town and FFCoVE Chair Dr Mark Paine at a function at EIT ‘s Tairāwhiti Campus in Gisborne today. EIT Chief Executive Chris Collins also signed the agreement on behalf of EIT. The FFCoVE is based on EIT’s Hawke’s Bay Campus in Taradale, with EIT hosting and providing key support services to the FFCoVE.
The organisations will work together to enhance and advance the quality and reputation of food and fibre vocational education and training delivery to help grow the Food and Fibre workforce capability and capacity.
Dr Paine has welcomed the agreement, which he says is an important step forward for the food and fibre industries and education providers.
“The Food and Fibre Sector sees this as a strategic relationship that that will enhance the delivery of Te Pūkenga’s education services as well as meeting Food and Fibre capability and workforce needs.”
“This agreement is going to help the provider network and Food and Fibre industries achieve both skills quality and skills development for the workforce. This is crucial not only for Food and Fibre but also for Aotearoa New Zealand’s economic future”
Dr Paine says the Food and Fibre Capability Leadership wants to have a much more “hands on” strategic relationship with the tertiary education system and its main providers.
“The industry is going through massive changes as it becomes more customer and people focused and as sustainability and environmental responsibilities become a much more important part of the production process. Having the industry partners and education providers working closely together will go a long way towards shaping the workforce of the next generations and proving the skills for the future,” he said.
Dr Paine says basing this primary industries CoVE at EIT has been an important decision, because Hawke’s Bay is essentially one of the heartlands of the food and fibre industry.
“There is great significance in this CoVE being located in a region that is such an important part of Food and Fibre production in New Zealand. EIT provides the Food and Fibre CoVE with a good base to reach across the country while nestled amongst the food producers and processors in Hawke’s Bay and Tairawhiti.”