Karen Munday (l) and Fiona Windle are organising the national Nutrition Society of NZ conference at EIT.
The 2019 Nutrition Society of New Zealand Conference will be hosted by the Eastern Institute of Technology (EIT) this Thursday and Friday, 28th and 29th November, at the EIT. 130 delegates will be attending.
This year’s theme, Beyond Nutrition – Kei tua I te kaitōtika, recognises nutrition science complements a wide range of disciplines in research.
“We are delighted to be hosting the conference for the first time and are thrilled at the high number of delegates,” says Karen Munday, Principal Academic in EIT’s School of Nursing and co-chair of the conference committee.
The Nutrition Society of New Zealand presents a comprehensive conference programme engaging a broad range of researchers and practitioners involved in nutrition. “We have an excellent line-up of speakers, including EIT’s Professor of Māori and Indigenous Research, Prof David Tipene-Leach. David is heading the ‘Cultural Health’ session and will be talking about the role of the traditional boil-up in a healthy diet,” says Karen.
Associate Professor Miranda Mirosa (University of Otago) will look into the shocking statistics of New Zealand’s food waste issue and possible ways to take action. Also from the University of Otago, Associate Professor Anne-Louise Heath’s presentation will promote discussion on baby-led weaning. Representing the Heart Foundation of New Zealand, Sue Pirrit and Takui Langi will examine nutrition and health through a Pacific cultural lens.
Mikki Williden (Unitec Institute of Technology) will present on lower carbohydrate diets for athletes, Dr Ian Zajac (CSIRO, Canberra) will share his expertise in nutrition and cognition and Fonterra Chief Science and Technology Officer, Jeremy Hill (Riddet Institute, Massey University), addresses issues related to nutritious diets and food sustainability.
The conference will also feature a lecture by Professor Jane Coad (Massey University) who explores the history of nutrition in New Zealand. She will talk about how the past could offer lessons for the present and guidance for the future.
“The conference is a unique gathering of nutrition science experts. It’s a wonderful opportunity to discuss hot topics such as sustainability, food waste, mental health and weight stigma to name a few,” says registered nutritionist and conference co-chair Fiona Windle. “The diversity of subjects reflects how nutrition is far reaching across health and well-being, hence the conference theme, Beyond Nutrition – Kei tua I te kaitōtika,” says Fiona.