Anthony’s family on the day of his sister’s high school graduation, from left: Mother Kataki, great uncle Toni, sister Moana, father Manase, grandfather Taufa, grandmother Sivu. Front row: Auntie Nita, Anthony and brother Osai and Anthony’s cousin William holding the poster.
Four years ago Anthony Latu migrated with his parents and five younger siblings from Tonga to Hawke’s Bay. Anthony’s father, a marine engineer, is working on ships around the globe for the majority of the year. His mother is a nurse working as caregiver.
Anthony’s first year at Tamatea High School was challenging, he says. Apart from settling into a new city and a different school, Anthony also had to learn English. Hanging out with international students who faced the same challenges was a great way to get through the first year, he says. However, he quickly adapted to his new life.
After his graduation from high school the 19-year-old, supported by his teacher, was offered a scholarship to study mechanical engineering at Massey but he chose EIT to stay around his family. Like many of his peers Anthony received one of the Māori and Pasifika Trades Training Scholarships.
Anthony loved his mechanical engineering programme and says that he received so much support from his tutors that everything ran quite smoothly. Although he prefers hands-on, practical learning over sitting at a desk, he successfully completed all his theory. “I just don’t like to fall behind with anything.”
Leveraging EIT’s industry contacts, Anthony secured a full-time apprenticeship with Napier Engineering after completing his course. “Every day is different and I can learn so much from my experienced workmates which is great.” Anthony says, he won’t stop there and might study at EIT again one day to be able to progress in his career.