Just lately, when Christine and Sophie Harris relax with a glass of Hawke’s Bay red, the conversation between mother and daughter turns to la dolce vita.
That’s because 23-year-old Sophie has just been named this year’s New Zealand winner of the Rotary Club’s Bragato Student Exchange Scholarship.
Sophie will explore wine regions and learn more about Italy’s wine culture.
Established to honour the “Father of New Zealand Viticulture”, the scholarship fosters an ongoing link between EIT and the Scuola di Viticoltura di Conegliano where Romeo Bragato attended school.
Both mother and daughter have a passion for wine which they have pursued in their studies.
Christine trained in viticulture at EIT while Sophie is working towards becoming a winemaker.
They share a connection through EIT where Christine lectures part-time and Sophie is into her second year of a Bachelor of Wine Science.
Christine started studying the Certificate in Grapegrowing and Winemaking when Sophie was just 9.
Then she staircased into the Bachelor of Viticulture, and has gone onto to work in a number of roles in the industry.
In contrast, Sophie started her tertiary studies in dance, and after working two vintages, she decided that winemaking was her future.
Congratulations Sophie!
Visit here to find out more about EIT’s wine and viticulture programmes