The latest report from the Tertiary Education Commission has ranked EIT amongst the strongest ITPs in the country.
EIT has once again proved to be one of the best educational performers in New Zealand’s ITP sector.
Released last week by the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC), the annual Educational Performance Indicators (EPIs) report for 2018 features EIT’s top results, alongside other ITPs.
The EPIs are a group of indicators measuring the educational performance of students including four areas: course and qualification completions, students retained in studies and students progressing from a lower level to a higher level qualification.
EIT’s key measures are amongst the best throughout the country. Particularly pleasing is that 44 percent of the EIT’s students who completed a level 1 to 4 certificate went on to enroll in higher level diplomas or degrees.
Chief executive, Chris Collins highlights that EIT’s academic performance is getting stronger each year and student achievement is continuing to rise. “The positive outcomes reflect the excellence of our teaching staff, the institute’s ability to support student throughout their educational journey and the commitment and dedication of our students.”
Although EIT’s learners – according to an index developed by the TEC – are more likely to have backgrounds associated with higher levels of deprivation than any other ITP, EIT’s educational accomplishments are getting stronger from year to year. Mr Collins also points out that participation of Māori students hit new records. “These strong results are particularly pleasing as they reflect EIT’s and our region’s focus.”
In light of this report it doesn’t come as a surprise that the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) ranks EIT as a highly confident Category 1 tertiary provider.