NZ Certificate in Tourism (Level 3)

Study Options



19 weeks


Level 3

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Get on board a fast-growing global business

Melissa and Thomas have grabbed the first opportunity to start a career in tourism.

You will use your adventurous spirit and passion for customer service to guide people on their way to exploring and experiencing all New Zealand and the world has to offer.


The NZ Certificate in Tourism [Level 3] programme is offered with strands in both visitor experience and tourism and travel.

At the completion of the qualification, you will be ready for front line entry level positions in industry, under limited supervision, or further, higher level tourism study.

In particular, the programme is designed to develop skills to be able to:

  • Apply knowledge of customer service and selling skills
  • Apply tourism workplace practices
  • Demonstrate knowledge of regional New Zealand
  • Demonstrate a broad knowledge of the tourism and travel industry
  • Apply knowledge and attributes required for a Barista role

You’re welcome to make an appointment to discuss your study options with our staff and arrange a visit to view our facilities.

Career and Study Opportunities

Your possible employment opportunities include:

  • Attraction assistants
  • Front office positions
  • Ticket sales
  • Reservations consultant
  • Visitor host
  • Booking assistant
  • Rental vehicle operations
  • Front desk administration

Your study pathway could progress onto:

  • NZ Certificate in Tourism [Level 4]
  • NZ Diploma in Tourism and Travel [Level 5]


There are two entry dates:

  • February (Hawke’s Bay only)
  • July (Tairāwhiti only)


Entry Requirements

Entry with Credit

Academic Learning Services

Academic Learning Services is here to assist you on your journey towards the successful completion of your studies at EIT. Our aim is for you to become confident, competent and independent learners.

We have dedicated advisors who can assist with your learning.

Find out more:

Hawke’s Bay Campus
Tairāwhiti Campus


EIT offers a variety of scholarships across various subjects and programme levels.  Some scholarships are based on your age, some are specific to the subject you want to study.  Not all scholarships are based on your academic ability and anyone wanting to study should investigate what scholarships are available to them.  

You can find a list of EIT scholarships here however there are many more scholarships offered nationally.  Information about these is on an database called “givME”. givME is accessible at EIT or at some public libraries. If you would like to come to EIT to look through the giveME database don’t hesitate to contact or call in for a chat.