Research outputs 2021
Gibbs, S. (2021). Ka riporipo [Painting, acrylic on archival paper]. In Parekura: Honouring a leader through art [Group exhibition]. Te Papakura exhibition space, Parliament, Wellington, New Zealand, August 2-October 7, 2021.
Gibbs, S. (2021). Manawa rārangi [Light sculpture installation]. In Te Ara i Whiti [Group exhibition]. Kelvin Park, Te Tairāwhiti Arts Festival, Gisborne, New Zealand, October 8-17, 2021.
Gibbs, S. (2021). Ororangi [Multi-media relief sculpture]. In Kōaka o Whakaaro—Toihoukura School of Māori Visual Art & Design [Group exhibition]. Tairāwhiti Museum, Gisborne, New Zealand, December 11, 2021-February 13, 2022.
Gibbs, S. (2021). Pitau a Manaia (Reclamation of sacred site, Kaiti Urupa) [60m digital mural]. Kaiti Urupa, Gisborne, New Zealand, May 19 2021.
Gibbs, S. (2021). [Six pieces of Hoe Nukuroa paintings]. In Hoea! [Group exhibition]. Mangere Arts Centre, Auckland, New Zealand, July 17-August 28, 2021.
Gibbs, S. (2021). Tohora kauri [Releaf sculpture]. In Mairanga [Group exhibition] Toi Ake Gallery, Gisborne, New Zealand, April, 2021.
Gibbs, S. (2021). Under the Tairawhiti moon [Painting, acrylic on board]. Maia Gallery, Toihoukura, Eastern Institute of Technology, Gisborne, New Zealand.
Gibbs, S. (Curator). (2021). Ko wai! [Group exhibition]. Hoea! Gallery, Gisborne, New Zealand, May 12-July 17, 2021.
Gibbs, S. (Curator). (2021). Te hoe nukuroa [Doctoral exhibition]. Maia Gallery, Toihoukura, Eastern Institute of Technology, Gisborne, New Zealand.
Gibbs, S. (Curator & exhibition designer). (2021). Kōaka o Whakaaro—Toihoukura School of Māori Visual Art & Design [Group exhibition]. Tairāwhiti Museum, Gisborne, New Zealand, December 11, 2021-February 13, 2022.
Gibbs, S. (2021). Toihoukura Maramataka 2022 [Calendar]. Gisborne, New Zealand: Toihoukura, Eastern Institute of Technology.
Gibbs, S. (2021). Serenity, courage, wisdom [Three multi-media sculptures]. Commissioned for Alcohol & Other Drug Treatment Court/Te Whare Whakapiki Wairua ki Kirikiriroa, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Gibbs, S. (2021, May 12-July 21, 2021). Kowhaiwhai presentation and workshop, drawing and printmaking. Hoea! Gallery, Gisborne, New Zealand.
Gibbs, S. (2021, October 15). Lamentation: Robert Jahnke installation. Series of four Floor talks to kaumatua o Tairawhiti, on behalf of Dr Robert Jahnke. Maia Gallery, Te Tairāwhiti Arts Festival, Gisborne, New Zealand, October 8-17, 2021.
Research outputs 2020
Gibbs, S. (2020). Tū te Whaihanga – Kaitieki [Painting]. In Tokorau [Group exhibition]. Tairawhiti Museum, Gisborne, New Zealand, November 28, 2020-January 31, 2021.
Gibbs, S. (2020). Waiwhakaora (to reveal) [Acrylic on archival paper]. In Wharehou [Group exhibition]. Toi Matarau Gallery, Maoriland, Otaki, New Zealand, July 29-September 30, 2020.
Gibbs, S. (Curator & exhibition designer). (2020). Tokorau [Toihoukura summer exhibition]. Tairawhiti Museum, Gisborne, New Zealand, November 28, 2020-January 31, 2021.
Gibbs, S. & Tangaere Baldwin, M. (2020). Toihoukura Maramataka 2021 [Calendar]. Eastern Institute of Technlology.
Gibbs, S. (2020, November)). Rongomātanane: God of cultivated foods [Painting]. Commissioned by Cedenco Foods, Gisborne, New Zealand.
Gibbs, S. (2020, October). Tū te whaihanga: A recognition of creative genius [Oral presentation]. National Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa Trustees, Tairawhiti Museum, Gisborne, New Zealand.
Gibbs, S., & Wallace, E. (2020, March). He Taonga Nukuroa: Te Wero o Tu¯ te Whaihanga/Sacred Treasures on a long journey: The challenge of Tu¯ te Whaihanga [Oral presentation]. Uneven Bodies Symposium, New Plymouth, New Zealand.
Research outputs 2019
Gibbs, S. (2019). Hurahura – To uncover [Acrylic, kokowai on carved silver beech timber]. In Native voices: Ko au ko matau – I am, we are [Group exhibition]. Gisborne, New Zealand: Tairawhiti Museum, October 7, 2019-March 15, 2020.
Gibbs, S. (2019). Tū te whaihunga: A recognition of creative genius; The return of taonga to Tairāwhiti after 250 Years [Exhibition design]. Gisborne, New Zealand: Tairāwhiti Museum, October 7, 2019-October 11, 2020.
Gibbs, S. (2019, November 15 & December 10 ). Tū te Whaihanga – An acknowledgement of creative genius: as exhibition designer, to Te Roopu ‘Te Whare korero a Mahaaki’. Public lecture presented at Tairawhiti Museum, Gisborne, New Zealand.
Gibbs, S. (2019, October 9). Acknowledging creative genius: The welcoming home of 36 Taonga to Aotearoa. Public floor talk presented at Auckland International Airport as part of the Tū Te Whaihanga exhibition.
Gibbs, S. (2019). One Māori perspective on Cook; Landing and first encounter; Ngati Rangiiwaho [Series of three recorded interviews]. In Confronting Captain Cook: Memorialisation in museums and public spaces [Massive Open Online Course, National Maritime Museum, London, England].
Gibbs, S. (2019). Te Waka o Rangi [Painting]. In Puhoro a mua, Puhoro ki tua [Group exhibition]. Waikato Museum, Hamilton, New Zealand, November 23, 2019-February 23, 2020.
Gibbs, S. (Co-curator & exhibition designer). (2019). Tū te whaihanga: A recognition of creative genius. Tairawhiti Museum, Gisborne, New Zealand, October 7, 2019-May 2021.
Research outputs 2018
Gibbs, S., Lythberg, B., & Salmond, A. (2018). Hoe whakairo: Painted paddles from New Zealand. In L. Carreau, A. Clark, A. Jelinek, E. Lilje & N. Thomas (Eds.), Pacific presences: Volume 2. Oceanic art and European museums (pp. 315-328). Leiden, The Netherlands: Sidestone Press. Retrieved from
Gibbs, S. (2018, August). Sixth sense [Painting]. School Journal, Level 2, 24-25.
Gibbs, S. (2018, June). A hoe! School Journal, Level 2, 26-32.
Gibbs, S. (2018, June). Painted hoe. School Journal, Level 2, 20-25.
Gibbs, S. (2018). He tohu [Acrylic, gold leaf on ply]. In Hawaiiki hou [Group exhibition]. Gisborne, New Zealand: Tairawhiti Museum, December 14, 2018- February 12, 2019.
Gibbs, S. (2018). Sixth sense [Painting]. In He kirohanga ki tai: Dismantling the doctrine of discovery [Group exhibition]. Gisborne, New Zealand: Tairawhiti Museum, December 18, 2018-March 10, 2019.
Gibbs, S. (2018). Tu hono [Acrylic, gold leaf on ply]. In Hawaiiki hou [Group exhibition]. Gisborne, New Zealand: Tairawhiti Museum, December 14, 2018- February 12, 2019.
Gibbs, S. (2018). Tumanako [Acrylic, gold leaf, copper on recycled native timber]. In Pouwhare – A pillar of strength [Group exhibition]. Gisborne, New Zealand: Tairawhiti Museum, July 1-September 23, 2018.
Gibbs, S. (2018, September). He taniwha, he tipua, he tangata [8 paintings, acrylic on tapa cloth, blue glass beads, whariki and steel nails]. In Rangiiwaho – Ihu ki te moana [Installation]. London, England: National Maritime Museum.
Gibbs, S. (2018). (Curator). Hawaiiki hou [Group exhibition]. Gisborne, New Zealand: Chrisp Gallery, Tairawhiti Museum. December 14, 2018- February 12, 2019.
Gibbs, S. (2018). Rangiwaho – Ihu ki te moana [Concept design and installation in collaboration with four other Iwi based artists]. London, England: Pacific Encounters Gallery, National Maritime Museum.
Gibbs, S. (2018, October 7). Oceania and Pacific encounters: A local perspective. Public talk presented at Tairāwhiti Museum, Gisborne, New Zealand.
Gibbs, S. (2018, October). Rethinking Captain Cook [Series of four oral presentations for staff and public as part of Rangiiwaho – Ihu ki te moana installation]. Pacific Encounters Gallery, National Maritime Museum, London, England.
Gibbs, S. (Commentator). (2018). [a-hoe, Great North Museum, Hancock, Newcastle, England]. In Artefact [Television documentary series], Series 1, Episode 3, The Power of Gifts (screened on Maōri Television May 21, 2018). Funded by NZ On Air’s Rautaki Maori Strategy and made for Maori Television by Greenstone TV. Retrieved from
Research outputs 2017
Gibbs, S. (2017). Trade Me [Series of 11 drawings, acrylic on Mountval Aquarelle paper]. In Ko Rongowhakaata: The story of light and shadow [Group exhibition]. Wellington, New Zealand: Te Papa Tongarewa, September 29, 2017–.
Gibbs, S. (2017). Haere rā, te hokinga mai—Departure and the journey home [Painting on canvas]. In Mō te Emepaea: A diary of WWI [Group exhibition]. Gisborne, New Zealand: Tairāwhiti Museum, October 12–December 10, 2017.
Gibbs, S. (2017). Whakawhitinga [Acrylic on harakeke paper and board]. In He ora te wai: Water is life [Group exhibition]. Gisborne, New Zealand: Tairāwhiti Museum, September 20–November 26, 2017.
Gibbs, S. (2017). Wai [Acrylic, gold leaf on ply]. In He ora te wai: Water is life [Group exhibition]. Gisborne, New Zealand: Tairāwhiti Museum, September 20–November 26, 2017.
Gibbs, S. (2017). a-hoe!: Nautical exclamation [Solo exhibition towards PhD studies, series of 13 paintings, two multi-media works and 11 drawings]. Gisborne, New Zealand: Tairāwhiti Museum, January 21–March 19, 2017.
Gibbs, S. (2016). Ruakapanga [Acrylic on canvas]. In Ko Rongowhakaata [Group exhibition]. Gisborne, New Zealand: Tairāwhiti Museum, December 17, 2016–May 21, 2017.
Gibbs, S. (2017). [Installation of tapestries created by Gisborne Quilters Society to commemorate the soldiers that served in the Great Wars]. Gisborne, New Zealand: War Memorial Theatre.
Gibbs, S. (2017, March). A-hoe iwi. Public lecture presented at Rangiwaho Marae, Gisborne, New Zealand.
Gibbs, S. (2017, March 15). Artist floor talk presented at the a-hoe! Exhibition, Tairāwhiti Museum, Gisborne, New Zealand.
Gibbs, S. (2017, March 23). The influence of Te Kooti on Māori contemporary art. In Te Kooti Rirkirangi Te Turuki. Symposium conducted at Toihoukura, EIT Tairāwhiti, Gisborne, New Zealand. Retrieved from 52:32
Gibbs, S. (2017, September). The status of Māori contemporary art curation in Aotearoa/New Zealand [Summary presentation]. In Tai Ahiahi///Tai Awatea: Curating Contemporary Māori Art Curators. Symposium conducted at the City Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand.
Gibbs, S. (2017, July 29). Brown art in white spaces. In Remembering Jonathan: Papers in honour of Jonathan Mane-Wheoki. Seminar conducted at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
Gibbs, S. (2017, July 29). Toihoukura as an indigenous art school [Panel presentation]. In Remembering Jonathan: Papers in honour of Jonathan Mane-Wheoki. Seminar conducted at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
Gibbs, S. (2017, Whiringa-a-nuku). Kanohi Ora. Pipiwharoauroa [Supplement publication to the Gisborne Herald], 11.
Research outputs 2014
Gibbs, S. (2014). He Lunar Kōrero – Conversations with the Moon Series [Solo exhibition]. Portside Hotel, Gisborne, New Zealand.
Gibbs, S. (2014). Toihouora! Toihoutangata! Toihoukura! [Group exhibition]. Pataka Art + Museum, Porirua, New Zealand, Sept 20-October 19, 2014.
Gibbs, S. (2014). Toi Maori Art Market [Group exhibition]. TSB Arena, Wellington, New Zealand, November 14-16, 2014.
Gibbs, S., & Lardelli, D. (Advisers, Artistic directors & Design consultants). (2014). C-Company 28th Māori Battalion Memorial House, Lysnar Park, Gisborne, New Zealand. Commissioned by Ngā Taonga o Ngā Tamatoa Trust.
Gibbs, S. (2014). Te Whare o Moananui-a-Kiwa Series [Drawings on harakeke paper]. Tulafono a le Agaga e Tu Mau – Laws of the Spirit Remain the Same [Group exhibition]. North Star Artists’ Collective, The Emerald Tablet, San Francisco, CA, November 7-29, 2014.
Research outputs 2013
Gibbs, S. (2013). No Ordinary Bird [ink, acrylic on handmade flax paper]. Toi Tamanuhiri [Group exhibition]. Muriwai Marae, Tairawhiti Museum, and Verve Cafe, Gisborne, New Zealand, December 14, 2013– March 31, 2014.
Gibbs, S. (Curator). (2013). Toi Tamanuhiri [Group exhibition]. Muriwai Marae, Tairawhiti Museum, and Verve Cafe, Gisborne, New Zealand, December 14, 2013– March 31, 2014.
Gibbs, S. (2013, October 30). Waituhi: Toihoukura and its influence in shaping the future of painting in a contemporary Māori Art environment. Professorial lecture presented at Maia Gallery, Toihoukura, Eastern Institute of Technology, Tairawhiti, New Zealand.
Research outputs 2012
Gibbs, S. (2012). Whakapono (Faith) [Painting on un-stretched canvas].Toihoukura [Group exhibition]. Kura Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand, December 7-January, 6, 2013.
Gibbs, S. (2012). Huri Katau o Te Ra. Ka Huri Tau o Te Ra [Group exhibition]. Maia/Kotuku Galleries, Toihoukura, Gisborne, New Zealand.
Gibbs, S. (2012). Manu Korero series [Works on harakeke paper]. Matatuhi [Group exhibition]. Maia/Kotuku Galleries, Toihoukura, Gisborne, New Zealand.
Gibbs, S. (2012). Whitiriea [Acrylic on board]. Te Aho Matariki [Group exhibition]. Maia/Kotuku Galleries, Toihiukura, Gisborne, New Zealand.
Gibbs, S. (Curator). (2012). Ā Tatou Kōrero: Our Stories, Our Voices [Group exhibition (Ngāti Porou/East Coast Schools (Te Rangitawaea) Digital Photography Project)]. Toihoukura, Gisborne, New Zealand, August 31-September 13.
Gibbs, S. (Curator). (2012). Toi Ora (Toihoukura) [Group exhibition]. Tairawhiti Museum, Gisborne, New Zealand, November 23-January 23, 2013.
Lardelli, D., & Gibbs, S. (2012). Waka Maumahara [Carving]. Commissioned by C Company Building Committee, Gisborne, New Zealand.
Research outputs 2011
Gibbs, S. (2011). Ko te Kuranui, Ko te Kuraroa [Group exhibition], Kura Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand, December 11-January 2012.
Gibbs, S. (2011). Maori Art Market [Group exhibition], Te Rauparaha Arena and Pataka Museum, Porirua, New Zealand, October 6-9.