Tuhua, N. (2021). Raupeka, a visual depiction of the coexistence of pōuritanga and māramatanga [Painting]. In Kōaka o Whakaaro—Toihoukura School of Māori Visual Art & Design [Group exhibition]. Tairāwhiti Museum, Gisborne, New Zealand, December 11, 2021-February 13, 2022.
Tuhua, N., & Edmonds. (2021). Rāwhitiroa: Eternal enlightenment [Five infinity light boxes]. In Te Ara i Whiti [Group exhibition]. Kelvin Park, Te Tairāwhiti Arts Festival. Gisborne, New Zealand, October 8-17, 2021.
Tuhua, N. (2021). Te Ao Mārama [Stole design for the district court judges of New Zealand]. Chief District Court Judges Office, Gisborne, New Zealand.