Research outputs 2022
Bahho, M., & Vale, B. (2022). How a sustainable renovation influenced the environmental values of those involved. Urban Planning, 7(2), 58-69.
Smith-Harvey, J., Bahho, M., Kelly, R., & Chiappin, A. (2022). Combining 2D and 3D fundamentals to foster systems thinking in design students: Reflections and case studies from an interdisciplinary design degree. Revista GEMInIS, 13(3), 44-57.
Research outputs 2020
Bahho, M., & Vale, B. (2020). A demonstration building project: Promoting sustainability values. Journal of Green Building, 15(2), 91-112.
Bahho, M. (2020, September). Attachment to a heritage place: The Ōtātara case study [Paper presentation]. 2020 ITP Research Symposium, Rotorua, New Zealand.
Waran, N., Passey, E., Bahho, M., Henry, G., Nuku, P., & Tareha, C. (2020, September). Developing nature literacy at the Ōtātara Outdoor Learning Centre [Conference presentation]. Te Pae Tawhiti 2020, Napier, New Zealand.
Bahho, M. (2020). A sustainable house [Architectural model scale 1:100]. In Feast for the eyes #1 [Group exhibition]. Vent Gallery, Eastern Institute of Technology, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand, February 18-March 6, 2020.
Research outputs 2019
Bahho, M. (2019, November). Designing a sustainable building: A reflective teaching case. Scope: Contemporary Research Topics (Learning and Teaching), 8 Sustainable Practice, 69-89. doi:10.34074scop.4008021
Bahho, M. (2019, April). Design and sustainable values: A reflective case. Paper presented at the 2019 ITP Research Symposium, Napier, New Zealand.
Bahho, M. (2019, February 4). Sustainable houses: Developing sustainable design criteria. Presented to the Community Affairs Group, U3A, Napier, New Zealand.
Research outputs 2018
Bahho, M., & Vale, B. (2018). Buildings that teach: Developing sustainable building design criteria. The International Journal of Sustainability in Economic, Social, and Cultural Context, 13(4), 21-39. doi:10.18848/2325-1115/CGP/v13i04/21-39
Bahho, M., Milfont, T., & Vale, B. (2018, June). Investigating environmental values: The log cabin project. Paper presented at the 25th International Association People-Environment Studies (IAPS) Conference, Rome, Italy.
Research outputs 2017
Bahho, M., & Vale, B. (2017, January). Developing sustainable design criteria: The log cabin project. Paper presented at the Thirteenth International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic, & Social Sustainability, Niterói, Brazil.
Bahho, M. (2017). A demonstration sustainable building: A tool for investigating environmental values (Unpublished doctoral thesis). Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
Research outputs 2016
Bahho, M., Vale, B., & Milfont, T. (2016). Buildings that teach: A strategy for sustainable design. In V. Echarri & C. A. Brebbia (Eds.), WIT Transactions on the Built Environment: Vol. 161. Eco-Architecture VI: Harmonisation Between Architecture and Nature (pp. 143-154). Southampton, England: WIT Press. doi:10.2495/ARC160131
Bahho, M. (2016, August 18). Buildings that teach: A strategy for sustainable design. Presented at the Brown Bag Research Lunch Seminar, Eastern Institute of Technology, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.
Research outputs 2015
Bahho, M., Vale, B., & Milfont, T. (2015, September). Design for behavioural change: The Log Cabin Project at Otatara. Paper presented at the 31st International PLEA (Passive & Low Energy Architecture) Conference, Bologna, Italy.
Research outputs 2013
Bahho, M. (2013). Social and cultural dimensions of sustainable buildings: The Otatara case study. International Journal of Sustainability Policy and Practice, 9(2), 55-67.
Bahho, M. (2013). Kahungunu Innovation Hub, Pandora Road, Napier [Architectural design concept].
Research outputs 2011
Bahho, M. (2011). Negotiating Place [Electronic media]. East West [Group exhibition]. Puke Ariki Museum, New Plymouth, October 14-December 11.
Bahho, M. (2011). The Palmers House Project, Hastings, New Zealand [Spatial design project].
Research outputs 2010
Bahho, M. (2010). The Jacobs House Project, St Ives in Sydney, Australia [Consultancy].
Bahho, M. (2010). “XPERIENCE” [digital media print work]. In This Place [Group exhibition], Vent Gallery, Eastern Institute of Technology, Napier, New Zealand, February 11-25.
Research outputs 2009
Bahho, M. (2009, June/July). Creature comforts. Luxury Home Design Australia – The Interior Issue, 154-159. (Haddad Residence interiors, Putney, Sydney, Australia)
Bahho, M. (Artist). (2009). Sound Shell Re-visited [Digital presentation]. Creative Hawke’s Bay Art Invitational 2009 [Group exhibition]. Hastings City Art Gallery, April 24-May 31.
Bahho, M. (Artist). (2009). Spatial Vector Works [Digital media print work]. [Group exhibition]. Vent Gallery, Eastern Institute of Technology, Napier, 18-22 May.
Bahho, M. (Artist). (2009). Transportable Bach [Digital media print work]. Alter Art [Group exhibition]. Vent Gallery, Eastern Institute of Technology, Napier, 16-27 February.
Bahho, M. (2009, October). Towards suprematist – elementarist approach to design. VAD Staff Research Seminar Series, In this Place – Encountering Location and Space, Eastern Institute of Technology, Napier, New Zealand.
Research outputs 2008
Bahho, M. (2008, October). A reflective teaching and learning practice in spatial design. Paper presented at the Teaching and Learning Conference, Napier, New Zealand.
Bahho, M. (Artist). (2008). Marine Parade Revisited [Electronic media]. Faking It: A Re-visitation of Postmodernism [Group exhibition]. Hastings Art Gallery, September 12-October 12.
Bahho, M. (2008). Postmodernism: Reality and the fake. In P. Andersen (Ed.), Faking it: A re-visitation of postmodernism (pp. 7-9). Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand: Eastern Institute of Technology and Hastings Art Gallery.
Research outputs 2007
Bahho, M. (2007). (Artist). Walk the Line: Contemporary Drawing Practice. EIT Arts and Design School, EIT Hawke’s Bay, Napier, November 30-December 7. Group exhibition.
Research outputs 2006
Andersen, P., Bahho, M., Baker, P., Binding, W., Wardle, J., Webster, J., et. al. (Artists). (2006). Ventilate, VAD, Eastern Institute of Technology, Napier, December 1-8.
Bahho, M. (2006). Marg Aitken’s House/Waipukurau. Profile published in Hawke’s Bay Today, July 22.