Professional Practice – Master or Postgraduate Diploma

Te Tohu Paerua mō Te Aka Whakaaroaro | Master of Professional Practice and Te Tohu Tītohu mō Te Aka Whakaaroaro | Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Practice

Study Options

Full-time, Part-time


Up to 2 years: Tekau mā waru marama (full-time)


Level 8-9: Te taumata 8 me te 9

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Make a difference in your career

Are you looking for an opportunity to reflect on and develop your professional practice?

These postgraduate programmes are for people whose primary work is with people: social workers, teachers, community/iwi development practitioners, counsellors, health practitioners and others working in fields where understanding customs, beliefs, values and language is essential.

Memea he hiahia nōu kia whakawhanakehia ōhou pūkenga mahi, tēnā, whakaarohia tēnei tohu mōhou. Ka taunakihia tēnei hōtaka tō puawaitanga o te tautika i roto i ngā horopaki ahurea rua o Aotearoa nei. E whakamana ana tēnei hōtaka kia whāia ōhou pae tawhiti kia tata, kia whakamau!

Mā ēnei tohu e taea ai e te pia te whai mātauranga paerunga i a ia e mahi ana, e taea ai hoki te waihanga huarahi ako kia tutuki ai ngā wawata me te ako i te wā kotahi.

Features of the programmes:

  • Focus on your own practice developments and passions
  • Critically reflect on your own practice strengths, weaknesses, challenges and areas for expansion
  • Flexible delivery (block wānanga and online learning)
  • Commitment to mātauranga Māori
  • Collaborative interdisciplinary study with others whose practice is in socio-cultural fields.

Outline: He Whakarāpotopoto

Te Tohu Paerua mō Te Aka Whakaaroaro | Master of Professional Practice (MPP) and Te Tohu Tītohu mō Te Aka Whakaaroaro | Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Practice (PGDipPP) allows graduates of Bachelor of Arts (Māori), Bachelor of Arts (Māori) Honours, Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood Education), Bachelor of Teaching (Primary), Bachelor of Social Work and Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) and graduates from related fields to undertake postgraduate learning tailored to individual needs and interests.

If you work with people and want to enhance and develop your practice, this programme is for you. This programme will enable you to follow your passions and interests within your own professional context, while focusing on the unique bicultural settings of Aotearoa.

The MPP allows those working in the fields of education, social work, iwi and community development and other related fields to undertake post-graduate learning tailored to individual needs and interests.

Ko te Tohu Tītohu mō Te Aka Whakaaroaro, e whai wāhi atu ana ki ngā ika ā whiro o ēnei tohu: Te Tohu Te Whakangungutanga ki Ngā Tāiro a Kupe, Te Tohu Honore (Māori), Te Tohu Paetahi (Mātauranga Kōhungahunga) Te Tohu Paetahi (Whakaako tamariki: Kura tuatahi) Te Tohu Mātauranga (Pāpori) me ētahi atu ika ā whiro mai i ēnei horopaki e whai ana i ngā paerunga ako.

Memea he hiahia nōu kia whakawhanakehia ōhou pūkenga mahi, tēnā, whakaarohia tēnei tohu mōhou. Ka taunakihia tēnei hōtaka tō puawaitanga o te tautika i roto i ngā horopaki ahurea rua o Aotearoa nei. E whakamana ana tēnei hōtaka kia whāia ōhou pae tawhiti kia tata, kia whakamau!

Mā ēnei tohu e taea ai e te pia te whai mātauranga paerunga i a ia e mahi ana, e taea ai hoki te waihanga huarahi ako kia tutuki ai ngā wawata me te ako i te wā kotahi.


Mereaera Hesketh, Master of Professional Practice Graduate

Entry: Ngā Tikanga Whakauru

Entry Requirements

English Language Entry Requirements

Entry with Credit

Dates: Wā Tīmata

There is one entry date per year:

  • February

Academic Learning Services

Academic Learning Services is here to assist you on your journey towards the successful completion of your studies at EIT. Our aim is for you to become confident, competent and independent learners.

We have dedicated advisors who can assist with your learning.

Find out more:

Hawke’s Bay Campus
Tairāwhiti Campus


EIT offers a variety of scholarships across various subjects and programme levels.  Some scholarships are based on your age, some are specific to the subject you want to study.  Not all scholarships are based on your academic ability and anyone wanting to study should investigate what scholarships are available to them.  

You can find a list of EIT scholarships here however there are many more scholarships offered nationally.  Information about these is on an database called “givME”. givME is accessible at EIT  or at some public libraries. If you would like to come to EIT to look through the giveME database don’t hesitate to contact or call in for a chat.