FREE | NZ Certificate in Foundation Skills (Exercise and Wellbeing) (Level 2)

Study Options

Full-time, Part-time


17 weeks


Level 2

Go places with a solid foundation of skills and knowledge

Gain the confidence and skills to pursue further study in the exercise and wellbeing fields.

This programme will give you what you need to continue onto the NZ Certificate in Sport, Recreation and Exercise [Level 3].


This programme will involve practical exercise and experience alongside community services. It provides you with an introduction to the exercise and wellbeing fields.

Tasks or activities may include:

  • Increasing knowledge in exercise and nutrition
  • Using community services
  • Planning an event
  • Improving your digital literacy
  • Delivery and design of an exercise programme

You are welcome to make an appointment to talk to a teaching staff member or Programme Coordinator about this programme and to view our facilities.

Career and Study Opportunities

The NZ Certificate in Foundation Skills (Exercise and Wellbeing) [Level 2] is aimed at preparing you for further studies in the NZ Certificate in Sport, Recreation and Exercise [Level 3].


There is one entry date per year:

  • February


Entry Requirements

Information Session

Academic Learning Services

Academic Learning Services is here to assist you on your journey towards the successful completion of your studies at EIT. Our aim is for you to become confident, competent and independent learners.

We have dedicated advisors who can assist with your learning.

Find out more:

Hawke’s Bay Campus
Tairāwhiti Campus



EIT offers a variety of scholarships across various subjects and programme levels.  Some scholarships are based on your age, some are specific to the subject you want to study.  Not all scholarships are based on your academic ability and anyone wanting to study should investigate what scholarships are available to them.  

You can find a list of EIT scholarships here however there are many more scholarships offered nationally.  Information about these is on an database called “givME”. givME is accessible at EIT or at some public libraries. If you would like to come to EIT to look through the giveME database don’t hesitate to contact or call in for a chat.