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Top Researcher and Academic to become EIT Executive Dean, Faculty of Education, Humanities and Health Science

May 28, 2024

Dr Helen Ryan-Stewart is EIT’s new Executive Dean of the Faculty of Education, Humanities and Health Science.

EIT has appointed a top researcher and sports scientist as its new Executive Dean of the Faculty of Education, Humanities and Health Science.

Dr Helen Ryan-Stewart joined EIT from the University of Winchester in the United Kingdom in 2022. Initially appointed to the role of Assistant Head of the School of Health and Sport Science, Helen was soon made Acting Head of School following the secondment of Dr Ondene van Dulm, to Te Pūkenga.

She has been acting Dean since last year and will now lead the Faculty permanently.

Dr Ryan-Stewart says that she is humbled by the opportunity to be part of EIT’s decision-making body. She will also lead EIT’s cohort of researchers.

“I am ready to take up the challenge of leading this Faculty and supporting our talented educators and researchers.”

“EIT has some world class academics and researchers and this is a further opportunity to showcase their talents.”

“As the largest tertiary institute in the Hawke’s Bay and Tairawhiti region, we are uniquely positioned to provide ākonga with a quality education so that they can pursue the career of their choice.”

EIT Executive Director Kieran Hewitson welcomed Dr Ryan-Stewart to the EIT Executive, saying that she would add value to the team.

“Helen has proven her capabilities while acting as Dean. She is well regarded and works well with members of the faculty.”

“There is a lot of work ahead of us and it is good to have an executive made up of people of the calibre of Helen.”