Maria Pearson
In this feature we interview staff members who have been identified as Early Career Researchers. In the spotlight is Maria Pearson, a Lecturer in EIT’s School of Nursing.
What is your highest qualification and where and when did you finish it?
Master of Physical Education (MPhEd), 2015, Otago.
Are you currently completing any other post graduate programmes?
What is your role at EIT and what courses do you teach?
Lecturer, School of Nursing.
BN5.005 Applied Science for Nursing 2
What areas do you specialise in?
My research interests lie in facilitating healthy communities in a holistic manner. I have been involved in research on registered nurse prescribing, companion animal welfare, doctor referrals, and missed nursing care.
What research have you been involved in either last year or this year (please give details)?
I am part of an EIT research team that is currently evaluating a Wellbeing Exercise POD in Maraenui, Napier. I am also a research team member for the project Rugby Fans In Training New Zealand (RUFIT-NZ), which is being run by the University of Auckland and the National Institute for Health Innovation (NIHI).
How important is research to you as an academic?
Research is extremely important as it informs my current teaching in BN5.005. As an academic, it is important that I produce research outputs and to also be an integral part of a research team. I am involved in marking EIT postgraduate and master’s theses and supervising master’s students. The research topics of the master’s students contribute to my current knowledge, which informs my teaching and my own research.
I am able to mentor master’s students through their research journey as new researchers.
How supportive is EIT in encouraging you to do research?
EIT consistently supports me to continue my involvement in research and become involved in new projects.