Ormond Heather completed his Masters of Health Science this year.
In this feature we interview staff members who have been identified as Early Career Researchers. In the spotlight is Ormond Heather, a Lecturer in EIT’s School of Health and Sport Science.
What is your highest qualification and where and when did you finish it?
It was a Masters of Health Science, which I completed this year.
Are you currently completing any other post graduate programmes?
Not at this stage.
What is your role at EIT and what courses do you teach?
I am a Sport Science lecturer, who teaches across multiple programmes including the NZ Certificate in Exercise [Level 5], the NZ Certificate in Exercise [Level 4] and the NZ Certificate in Sport, Recreation and Exercise [Level 3].
What areas do you specialise in?
Sports performance is my passion.
What research have you been involved in either last year or this year?
My Masters of Health Science research was conducted in semi-professional rugby players. The aim was to investigate the relationship between force-velocity profiles and rugby performance indicators.
How important is research to you as an academic?
Research is fundamental not only as an academic, but as an educator and active professional in the exercise industry. Research has developed my theories and beliefs of athlete development. The methods I employ and teach in class are always supported by research. That way, I can confirm those opinions are not biased.