With many conferences now running successfully online, EIT researchers have been busy keeping themselves connected and engaged in their discipline areas.
In many cases these conferences have been able to be offered free of charge, thus making the latest up to date research accessible to all.
EIT’s Executive Dean, Faculty of Education, Humanities and Health Science, Professor Nat Waran has a busy few weeks ahead – as the lead organiser for two conferences – The first of these went live today (Thursday 20 October) and will run for three days with 68 speakers talking about research related to equine quality of life across four subthemes. The International Society for Equitation Science conference has attracted more than 3000 (so far) delegates from many countries, and selected papers will be published in a special edition of “Animals’ journal.
In addition, next week as the Chair of Companion Animals New Zealand, a National animal welfare charity responsible for the National Animal Register, she has co-organised a two-day online conference with some well-respected international speakers beaming in to speak to an online audience of more than 350 national delegates. Agriculture Minister Damien O’Connor will open the conference with Associate Minister of Agriculture (Animal Welfare) Meka Whaitiri presenting the international Assisi Welfare awards to deserving welfare advocates.
Links to conferences: International Society for Equitation Science –
Professor Natalie Waran tells us about her keynote presentation at the upcoming International Society for Equitation Science Online conference on our youtube channel:
Companion Animals New Zealand – https://www.companionanimals.nz/2021-speakers