Nikki Davidson puts her all into everything she does – including her new role as Operations Manager at Ryan’s Kitchens and Joinery.
Not satisfied with her current skill base and needing to upskill for her new position, Nikki decided to study project management online through TANZ eCampus.
“I want to do the best I can at everything I do. My job involves organising staff, running jobs and scheduling work, I thought a course in project management could help me to better understand what I need to do and how to do it,” says Nikki.
Studying part time, Nikki has been enrolled with TANZ eCampus since March 2017.
She says online education suits her busy schedule and enables her to learn in the comfort of her own home.
“I really enjoy having the ability to study when I have the time and wherever I might be. I also like the online videos and course reading and have found the course facilitators are always available when I need them,” she says.
Studying along with managing her busy role as Operations Manager and her family, Nikki has her hands full. However, she says her passion for learning keeps her going.
“You need to have a desire to learn, it’s too easy when you are tired at the end of the day to make excuses and not continue learning. Having a passion to learn helps me to stay dedicated and make it happen.”