When offered the opportunity to upskill through online study as an employee of the New Zealand Defence Force – Lynette Bokany jumped at the chance.
“I wanted to broaden my knowledge in something outside of my current skill base. I was also motivated by the need for a new challenge,” says Lynette.
Studying project management part time for more than a year, Lynette has found TANZ eCampus flexible, easy to use and easily accessed.
“I really enjoyed the flexibility and ability to study at my own pace and in my own time”, she says.
When choosing to upskill part time, particularly while working or while caring for young children, the challenge to find balance is not always easy. Lynette found that though there were some tense moments when assignment deadlines were looming – with careful planning these could be overcome.
“At times, it was difficult. Normal work and family pressures don’t change, so there were some stressful times. But careful planning at the beginning of the modules normally ensured the stress levels remained manageable. I found early planning greatly assisted in meeting the deadlines and achieving my goals.”
For those thinking of studying, but unsure of whether to take the plunge – Lynette gives this advice…
“It’s very flexible and rewarding. You get out of it what you put in. Give it a go, you have nothing to lose!”