Research outputs 2020
Cooper, G., & McConnell, C. (with Postlewaight, G., & Stewart-MacKenzie, H.L.G.). (2020, November). Examining collaborative relationships between mentor teachers, degree students and the Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood Education) teaching team at EIT Te Aho Maui [Conference presentation]. TEFANZ Research Hui Online.
Postlewaight, G. (2020, November). A nature space: Opportunities for play in ECE [Conference presentation]. TEFANZ Research Hui Online.
Research outputs 2019
McConnell, C., & Postlewaight, G. (2019). Student teacher agency, mediating collaborative inquiry to redistribute power in early childhood initial teacher education. In M. A. Peters (Ed.), Encyclopedia of teacher education.
Cooper, G., McConnell, C., Postlewaight, G., & Stewart-MacKenzie, H. (2019, April). Examining collaborative relationships between mentor teachers, degree students and the Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood Education) teaching team at EIT Te Aho Maui: Initial findings. Poster session presented at the 2019 ITP Research Symposium, Napier, New Zealand.
Cooper, G., McConnell, C., Postlewaight, G., & Stewart-MacKenzie, H. (2019, November). Collaborative relationship between mentor teachers, degree students and the BTECE teaching team at EIT Te Aho Māui. Presented at the 2019 EIT ECE Research Symposium, Napier, New Zealand.
Research outputs 2018
Postlewaight, G. (2018). Effective transition to school: Integrating philosophy, pedagogy and curriculum. NZ International Research in Early Childhood Education Journal, 21(1), 62-75.
Research outputs 2016
Postlewaight, G. (2016). Removing socio-economic barriers to participation in early childhood education: Is current policy in Aotearoa New Zealand effective. NZ Research in ECE Journal, 19, 37-48. Retrieved from
Research outputs 2015
McConnell, C., & Postlewaight, G. (2015). Pedagogical conflict creates opportunities to embrace student centred learning. In P. Bray & L. McLean (Eds.), At the crossroads of crisis and opportunity: Interdisciplinary conversations (pp. 185-208). Oxford, England: Inter-Disciplinary Press.
Research outputs 2013
McConnell, C., & Postlewaight, G. (2013). Experiencing uncertainty and the ill-defined: Working with a different approach to teaching and learning. In P. Pimomo & M. Ditton (Eds.), Finding opportunities in crisis (pp. 95-108). Oxford, England: Inter-Disciplinary Press. Available from
McConnell, C., & Postlewaight, G. (2013, February). Experiencing the unknowable and ill-defined. Paper presented at the 1st Global Crisis and Opportunity Conference, Sydney, Australia. Available from
McConnell, C., & Postlewaight, G. (2013, October). Creative possibilities: Perceptions of a collaborative project. Paper presented at the EIT Early Childhood Education Research Symposium, Napier, New Zealand.
Research outputs 2009
Postlewaight, G., & Mara, D. (2009). Health initiatives in early childhood centres: A collaborative approach to research. In H. Hamerton & C. Mercer (Eds.), Research that works: Successful collaborations: Proceedings of the 5th Biennal Conference of the Institutes of Technology and Polytechs of New Zealand Research Forum, 2-3 October 2008, Bay of Plenty Polytechnic, Tauranga, New Zealand (pp. 91-95). Wellington, New Zealand: Institutes of Technology and Polytechs New Zealand.
Research outputs 2008
McConnell, C., & Postlewaight, G. (2008). Using online technology in a programme for registering teachers. New Zealand Research in Early Childhood Education, 11, 149-157.
McConnell, C., & Postlewaight, G. (2008, January). Participation in an online early childhood community: An inspiration and opportunity. Paper presented at the Australian Research in Early Childhood Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Postlewaight, G., & Mara, D. (2008, October). Health initiatives in early childhood centres: A collaborative approach to research. Paper presented at the 5th Biennial ITP New Zealand Research Conference, Tauranga, New Zealand.
Mara, D., Postlewaight, G., & Cracknell, T. (2008). An evaluation of the Healthy Heart and Active Movement programmes in early childhood centres in Hawke’s Bay. Education and Social Sciences, EIT Hawke’s Bay for Sport Hawke’s Bay
Research outputs 2007
McConnell, C., & Postlewaight, G. (2007, July). Stimulating, scary and challenging learning. Paper presented at the Teaching and Learning Conference, Napier, New Zealand.
McConnell, C., & Postlewaight, G. (2007, September). Revelations, validations, stimulations and motivations. Paper presented at the Early Childhood Convention, Rotorua, New Zealand.
McConnell, C., & Postlewaight, G. (2007, June). Stimulating, scary, challenging and Engaging Dialogue. Workshop presented at Efest 2007, Wellington, New Zealand.