Dr David Skelton
Education Advisor, Quality Assurance - Te Papa Ako/Education Development Centre
06 830 1459
EdSciDr; MIS (Hons); GDipBus; CertAdL&T
David is a Principal Academic who works as an Education Advisor for the Quality Assurance division within the Te Papa Ako/Education Development Centre across EIT.
He has taught Information Technology for a number of years on the Bachelor of Computing Systems and Master of IT, and served as the Assistant Head of School(s) for Business and Computing. His research interests focus on the areas of Work Integrated Learning, the Graduate Transition, and Blended Learning Environments. His research is published in the World Association of Cooperative Education Conference proceedings, the NZ Work Integrated Learning Conferences, and the CITRENZ IT Conference.
In 2008 he graduated with a Doctor of Science Education through Curtin University in Perth. He has also completed a Master of Information Systems (Hons), and Graduate Diploma in Business from Massey University, while completing the Certificate in Adult Learning and Teaching.