Martin Meier
The Faculty of Computer Science / Mathematics at the Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg (OTH) has a long partnership with EIT. As part of the partnership agreement, OTH students have the opportunity to gain a master’s degree at EIT as part of a one-year study period abroad while also continuing their master’s study at OTH. In 2020, Martin Meier graduated with both degrees in this model.
Martin Meier obtained his master’s degree in computer science at the OTH Regensburg in the winter semester 2019/2020. The year before he was an exchange student at EIT. In June 2019, he graduated from EIT with a Master of Information Technology.
“By studying abroad as part of the double master’s programme, I was able to gain a lot of valuable experience and made interesting international contacts. The choice of courses to be taken was very flexible, which allowed me to focus strongly on my personal interests. During the entire course, I found the cooperation between EIT and OTH extremely effective, and the recognition of the relevant examination results also worked smoothly. I can only recommend this exchange programme, as it is very valuable for both professional and personal development,” says Martin.
As part of the programme, Martin had to write two separate theses for each institution, but within the framework of the programme. The credits of each of the respective study semesters were mutually recognised.
“The IM faculty is pleased about the success of Mr Meier as the third master’s graduate within the framework of the partnership with EIT. In the meantime, as a faculty, we can also offer a reciprocal English-language study option in our Master’s Computer Science and look forward to suitably qualified candidates from selected partner universities,” adds Prof Dr Skornia, Dean of the Faculty.
“We are thus effectively expanding the options for studying abroad for computer science / mathematics students with an attractive option for very talented and motivated students,” adds Prof Westner, the Faculty’s international coordinator.“
“EIT is an excellent partner for this. In the past we have had visiting professors from EIT at OTH and numerous student exchanges in both directions. In addition, there are joint research activities that have already resulted in various publications. The ‘triple play’ of international university cooperation with student exchange, lecturer exchange, and research cooperation is already a reality in this partnership.”
(this press release was first published by the OTH Regensburg)