Back again with another blog. This time I will focus on what happens on a weekly basis during the season and how that hugely affects my free time. I will also focus on my key from the last two blogs, which focused on time management and how that is important to be successful.
During the basketball season of the ‘Bay Hawks’ things can get pretty chaotic, which is why time management is very important. During this time there were team trainings and games, studying at EIT, working part time, personal training, and also being a coach for the Paul Henare and Paora Winitana Basketball Academy. The week plan was as follows:
Monday – 2 hours of coaching, 4 hours of lectures, 2 hours of team training, 1 hour of study.
Tuesday – 2 hours of personal training, 4 hours of lectures, 2 hours of team training, 1 hour of study.
Wednesday – 2 hours of coaching, 4 hours of lectures, 2 hours of work, 2 hours of personal training, 1 hour of study.
Thursday – 2 hours of coaching, 4 hours of lectures, 2 hours of team training, 1 hour of study.
Friday – 2 hours of personal training, 4 hours of work, 2 hours of team training, 1 hour of study.
Saturday – 6 hours of work, 2 hours of team training, 1 hour of study.
Sunday – 4 hours of work, 2 hours of personal training, 1 hour of study.
Coaching for the Paul Henare and Paora Winitana Basketball Academy beginning at around 6 in the morning and getting to sleep between midnight and 1 in the morning can lead to a full-on week. This is where time management becomes important as it leads to a better planned day where I can do what I need to and increase my sleeping hours, which is needed to perform at my best. When my days are pre-planned, and I wake up with a plan of attack for each day, I find myself being more productive and achieving more. Whereas if I have not planned the day ahead I tend to put things off, which can lead to assignments and daily tasks not being performed to my best. It can also lead to me missing things out completely. I don’t always plan ahead, and I am sure everyone is guilty of this, but this is still a goal of mine to better myself, to have more productive days, and to get the best result out of everything I do.
In closing, it is awesome if you have a full-on week full of events and activities as this leads to an opportunity to better your time management skills, to better yourself, as I strive to do every day.