NZ Certificate in Hairdressing (Professional Stylist) (Level 4)

Study Options



1 year


Level 4

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Go places with world-class styling skills

Develop your creativity and skills using project based learning in a salon environment to become a fully qualified senior stylist.

Learn hair cutting techniques using scissors, razor and clippers, perming techniques, advanced fashion focused colouring techniques, advanced hair and scalp conditions, treatments and reception skills.


The purpose of this qualification is to provide you with the skills and knowledge to obtain your hairdressing Level 4 qualification as a fully qualified senior stylist.

The qualification is suitable for those with prior knowledge of salon support or for those who have completed the NZ Certificate in Hairdressing [Level 3].

You will use project based learning in a salon environment to qualify as a senior stylist and be capable to work within the industry.

Subject Areas

  • Consultation and effective communication
  • Advanced cutting techniques using scissors, razors and clippers
  • Advanced wet and dry styling
  • Reformation services
  • Advanced colouring and decolouring techniques
  • Advanced reception skills

Come in and have a chat about your study options with the staff at our Hawke’s Bay campus and view our facilities anytime.

Career and Study Opportunities

Graduating with the NZ Certificate in Hairdressing (Professional Stylist) [Level 4] will open up a wide variety of future opportunities in hairstyling and hair care.

Following completion of the programme you can progress into the industry as a senior stylist. The world will be your oyster and you could end up pursuing your career as:

  • Senior Stylist
  • Colourist
  • Retail Sales
  • Salon Reception
  • Product Representative


There are two entry dates per year:

  • February
  • July


Entry Requirements

English Language Entry Requirements

Entry with Credit

Academic Learning Services

Academic Learning Services is here to assist you on your journey towards the successful completion of your studies at EIT. Our aim is for you to become confident, competent and independent learners.

We have dedicated advisors who can assist with your learning.

Find out more:

Hawke’s Bay Campus



EIT offers a variety of scholarships across various subjects and programme levels.  Some scholarships are based on your age, some are specific to the subject you want to study.  Not all scholarships are based on your academic ability and anyone wanting to study should investigate what scholarships are available to them.  

You can find a list of EIT scholarships here however there are many more scholarships offered nationally.  Information about these is on an database called “givME”. givME is accessible at EIT or at some public libraries. If you would like to come to EIT to look through the giveME database don’t hesitate to contact or call in for a chat.