Six years ago, Jacqueline Maclaurin had a vision . . . and an epiphany.
One grey day in Wellington, she envisioned herself picking grapes in a sun-filled vineyard and treading them with her bare feet. And about the same time, she realised she was not cut out for an office-bound career.
While she was interested in the Historic Places Trust work she had been doing since graduating with a BA (art history and communications), she longed for the great outdoors.
“I’m from a farm where I am used to being outside and doing practical work, so I just couldn’t see myself sitting in an office forever,” says the 29-year-old Gisborne woman.
The final catalyst for her career change was her Gisborne flatmate.
“He raved about the Grapegrowing and Winemaking Certificate at EIT Tairawhiti — how much he had learned, the practical nature of the course and all the fun he had.
“We have a small vineyard on our farm and I always enjoyed working there. Everything was suddenly pointing me in the one direction. So I moved back to Gisborne and enrolled on the EIT Tairawhiti certificate.
“The course was brilliant,” says Jacqueline who now manages a 163 hectare vineyard for Wither Hills in Marlborough.
“I highly recommend it. It teaches the basics of both viticulture and winemaking and is a great starting point to get involved in the industry.
“My tutors were all really knowledgeable people who had worked in the industry.
“The students I studied with went straight into cellar hand jobs in wineries, allowing them to travel the world, and also vineyard-based positions such as machinery operators, vineyard managers or viticulture technicians.
“It was also really cool to have our ‘own’ vineyard and winery. We did all the practical jobs in the vineyard. And we made a white and red wine at the Waimata Winery — it was fantastic.
“The diverse group of students of all ages from all over the world made the course really special. We became one big family and had a lot of fun!
Jacqueline had no trouble getting work once she finished the course.
“When I graduated at the end of 2007, I worked for Constellation in Gisborne as a junior viticulture technician for five months followed by five months as a cellar hand at Buena Vista Carneros winery in California.
“I then worked for Whitehaven in Marlborough for 18 months as a cellar hand and viticulture technician.
“In May 2010, I began at Wither Hills in Marlborough as a viticulture technician, and I’m now a vineyard manager. I love the work. Life is good.”